Why California Needs More Waste Management Policies

better waste management in CaliforniaAs the most populous state in America and one of the planets largest economies, California faces both challenges as well as opportunities with regard to waste management.

Each year, the state generates millions of tons of waste – from household trash to industrial byproducts. Comprehensive waste management strategies are an important part of addressing the environmental, economic, and public health impacts associated with disposable single use plastics. Waste management policies must support California in being a leader on sustainability and environmental stewardship – the health of its residents, economies & ecosystems depend on it.

Environmental Imperatives

Yet from its coast to forest, deserts and agriculture lands — the state’s varied ecological settings are threatened by inefficient waste management practices.

One of the more urgent issues in terms environmental impact are landfills, and with methane emissions from decomposing waste a major contributor to global warming, it is high time that these be tackled.

While California has taken steps to minimize landfill diversion (e.g., AB 341, a major landmark bill putting into place an aggressive statewide target of 75% recycling by the year 2020), it will be difficult for these efforts and goals to bear fruition without innovative disposal options which are both cost-effective as well environmentally preferred.

This is bad for the environment, as landfills release an overwhelming amount of methane into our atmosphere and kill off local species!

Disposal of hazardous waste (including electronic or e-waste and chemicals) is a critical problem for California’s environment; If not properly handled, these substances can seep into the ground and water supply contaminating Mother Earth and endangering wildlife. The state’s large agricultural sector is at great risk, as soil and water pollution may lead to far reaching consequences in terms of food production and public health.

The coastline in California is already bedeviled by marine debris that predominantly come from poorly managed waste. Plastic waste in particular, has been a large hitting environmental issue that cause marine ecosystems degeneration which leads to devastating effect on marine life But those policies are not being put into practice; failing to effectively defend the precious beaches and coastal waters that support so much of our environment, economy -and it seems-universal soul.

Economic Considerations

Efficient waste management is as necessary today in a time of dwindling resources, high fuel prices and an impending collapse if our faulty economics continue to disperse relentless fumes.

The waste management industry in California is responsible for thousands of jobs from collecting and transporting to recycling and processing. The state can generate new sets of economic opportunities and alleviate some landfill maintenance (and threat to the environment) costs through reinvesting into modern waste management infrastructure/ technologies.

There are also economic benefits to these recycling, waste-to-energy programs and dumpster rental services. California may reduce the financial strain on its municipalities also faced with heavy costs to dispose of waste by diverting solid material from landfills. The sale of recycled materials for recycling programs, in particular, can bring with it sales revenue while reducing the extraction raw material cost economically and environmentally.

Besides, poor waste management can result in huge economic losses especially related to the tourism industry. The sheer natural beauty of California, from its national parks to its beaches — brings in millions tourists annually as well. Yet tourism-based businesses and communities rely on visitors, so littered landscapes or polluted waters can be negatively affect revenues. Therefore, well-designed policies to manage waste are needed not just to reduce environmental impact but also to support California’s economy.

Public Health Implications

The health impacts of poor garbage disposal in California are enormous. Mismanaged waste can pollute the air and water, exacerbating human health. For example, landfills release gases like methane and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) which can cause lung problems that are of course worst in vulnerable people such as children and the elderly or anyone with a pre-existing condition.

Improper disposal of hazardous waste may include pharmaceuticals and industrial chemicals that can also contaminate drinking water sources. This is especially problematic in California where we already face water scarcity and a clear manifest destiny to address this brewing issue. Toxins can cause problems such as cancer, neurological disorders and reproductive failings.

Not to mention, undermanaged waste is actually shifted onto poor communities and communities of color – what you might know colloquially as environmental racism. They often live near landfills, waste treatment plants, and illegal dump sites – all of which create pollution that can make them sick. Policies that do not pass a robust environmental justice analysis and provide meaningful enforcement mechanisms, even if they work on paper can further exacerbate existing racial disparities in the right to an environmentally safe community for all Californians.

The fact that California requires proactive waste management legislation is obvious. The state must continue to innovate and invest in meaningful approaches, if it is to protect its environment, sustain its economy and get nearer zero waste. This means more than waste and recycling – it also encompasses hazardous wastes and environmental justice California has the opportunity to be a leader in stewardship, positioning our Golden State as an example of sustainability through smart policy and community engagement.

Going Zero Waste Made Easy: Super Simple Tips for a Sustainable Lifestyle

Do you feel overwhelmed by all this packaging, these trash cans that you feel like you are constantly emptying? Finding simple tips to get started with zero waste is becoming urgent.

Is your house overflowing with all kinds of objects that you no longer need? Decluttering is a first step, but it is not enough if you want to get rid of recurring waste. Your trash can fills up faster than you empty your fridge. You have this constant impression of having consumed little, but of seeing waste accumulating. Little by little, you want to move towards a simpler lifestyle with less waste.

You want to empty your garage and your cupboards. You are moving towards a more ecological life, conscious, useful and intelligent consumption, more natural, less focused on mass consumption.

To help you take your first steps towards a Zero Waste lifestyle, you can implement some simple little tips but above all linked to common sense and taken from the practices of our elders. Certain old practices prove that progress has its limits, especially ecological ones.

How to get started with zero waste easily

If you have decided to reduce the size of your trash can like Béa Johnson, it is important to understand the 5 commandments that govern the theme of waste reduction. Simple to remember, they show you in the blink of an eye what living with zero waste represents:

  • Refuse: instead of cluttering your house with things that you know are useless (and therefore will end up in the trash or at the back of the cupboard) when they are offered to you, simply say no.
  • Reduce: tackle the mission of decluttering your home. But instead of throwing away, donate, sell, recycle, everything is good to avoid throwing away.
  • Reuse: don’t let old items lie dormant. Find them a second life.
  • Recycle: common sense tells you to drop off items that will never be used by you or anyone else in collection centers. Help communities recycle cleanly by going to your local recycling center.
  • Compost: for all your organic waste, a compost bin at the bottom of the garden or a worm composter for those who live in an apartment and have a balcony. Make a super fertilizer for your garden.

Zero waste at home, every day

1 – Drink tap water

A step towards zero waste: Drink tap water. If you buy your water in bottles (and therefore plastic) then these bottles must represent a large amount of waste. Depending on where you live, tap water may not be very good or taste good. But, there are multiple solutions to avoid bottled water. A filter jug, a filter placed directly on your tap or if you have an American fridge, the water dispenser filters it. A glass carafe or flask filled with tap water is your first and simplest step towards zero waste. Another alternative: drink water from a returnable glass bottle.

2 – Revisit children’s snacks

Another waste champion is the disposable compote bottle. An environmental disaster at an exorbitant price. For older children, fruit cut into pieces works very well.

However, if you are a fan of this snack, do you know how easy it is to make your own compote? And it keeps very well in the freezer or in sterilized jars. Immerse your jars in water at 100°C for a few minutes, fill them, close them and invert them onto the lid until completely cooled. For cakes, a homemade cake will always be better than biscuits and other store-bought sweets, minus the packaging and additives.

3 – Start batch cooking

Grouping together the preparation of all your dishes for the week in a few hours will certainly save you time, but above all you will fight against waste. By cooking the right portions in advance, you limit unnecessary purchases and too many leftovers.

4 – Use brick soap

No more shower gels and their plastic containers which will still be as they are in 1000 years. Brick soap placed on a soap dish will offer you the same comfort as shower gel, without the plastic waste. You will find soaps adapted to your skin type everywhere on the market.

5 – DIY: make your own household products

If you want to go even further than brick soap, make your own soap, toothpaste and shampoo. Based on essential oil and natural products, today it has become very simple. For household products, it’s the same thing, from your dishwashing liquid to your scouring powder to your laundry detergent, if you wish you can make these products yourself very easily.

6 – Adopt chickens

If you have a small garden, the investment is worth it. Why not buy small chickens to have eggs, but also get rid of your leftovers or other peelings? Of course, you struggle with waste, but sometimes, yes, you have leftovers that no one wants.

Instead of throwing them in the trash, your chickens will be delighted to finish them and they will lay eggs for you. Nothing better than eggs from your own chickens. You thus indirectly fight against excess packaging with egg cartons which never stop cluttering up your trash. And with eggs, you can cook lots of sweet little things that children love: pancakes, waffles, chocolate mousse, cookies, cakes, etc.

7 – Think sustainable and useful purchases

Opt for a minimalist wardrobe. As is often the case, you favor should quality over quantity. Consider your purchases of clothing, furniture, accessories or appliances as a long-term investment.

So, for your clothes, adopt a minimalist wardrobe and don’t clutter up with poor quality pieces or that you won’t wear. Old clothes can be donated. Damaged or holed clothes can be converted into rags or recovered to do DIY sewing activities with your children. Think about how useful things like the microwave really are. Why do you use it? Reheat your coffee? The pan does it too.

Do you use disposable diapers for your baby?

According to zero waste experts at Richmond Dumpster Rental Center, not only is it one of the most polluting products in the world since they do not disintegrate despite what people want you to believe, but they are also expensive.

8 – Buy in bulk

Limit packaging by purchasing many foods in bulk like pasta, rice, seeds, cereals, etc. When making your first bulk purchase, take a paper bag provided to you and fill it. Come back with this same paper bag during your next shopping trips.

More and more zero waste stores are popping up everywhere including in Virginia. Keep your eyes peeled and find out. There is one or even several bulk stores near you, check in Richmond, VA.

9 – Read differently

Read differently, on an e-reader and at the library. Now read your books on a tablet or e-reader. A digital book costs less than its paperback version, it takes up less space and is environmentally friendly.

Don’t throw away old books that you no longer want, offer them to your local library and take the opportunity to visit and rent paperback books which are more expensive on e-readers. You can also donate your old books to an association or place them in book boxes. You could even make some nice discoveries there.

10 – Bulk tips

There are lots of small actions you can take on a daily basis to limit waste, such as having a cloth bag in your car or your handbag. So when shopping, no need to buy the brand’s bag which will only accumulate with all the other bags (which you will refuse from today).

A “Stop Pub” label on your mailbox will limit envelope and paper waste. Even though paper can be recycled, it cannot be recycled infinitely.

In the same spirit, limit paper by eliminating paper towels and tissues. Washable napkins and handkerchiefs are much more economical and environmentally friendly.

Use glass storage containers or jars rather than aluminum foil or plastic wrap. Refuse as many small disposable items as possible such as free samples, straws, plastic cups, stirrers, paper towels, plastic bags, etc.

Improve waste mangement in Virginia

There are hundreds of tips for getting started with zero waste, and have better waste management practices. After reading the tips in this article, you said to yourself: “Ah, but I can do this, or I can do that”. So much the better!

What You Should Not Put In A Regular Dumpster Rental

Not everything should be put in a regular dumpster.

There are some items that should be recycled or disposed of in a dumpster. The things that you should not put in a regular dumpster include items like light bulbs, paint, cell phones, and electronics. These items can cause harm to those who’ll be working the dumpster and can cause problems in the landfill.

There are many ways to get rid of electronics. Many electronics stores will take your electronics, and if you’ve got your own recycling program at home, you can always just donate them to charity.

What Materials Aren’t Allowed In Dumpster Rentals

Hazardous Materials

There are many dangerous materials that the dumpster rental companies prohibit from being placed in roll-offs, such as chemicals, cleaning products and corrosive materials, and batteries.

Any paints, pesticides, herbicides liquid waste, fuel tanks, freon and neon light ballasts should also be included in this list. Corrosive, acidic, and paint thinner, stains, and varnishes are all on the banned substances list. If you don’t put it in the ground, it’s not likely to be allowed in a landfill.

Flammable Materials

You don’t want to start a landfill fire by dumping flammable liquids like gasoline. However, there may be additional combustible elements present on a workplace. When in doubt about the flammability of a chemical dumpster, look for the flammable hazard symbol on it. Unknown liquids and chemicals should be treated as potentially hazardous or flammable whenever possible if there is any ambiguity.

Certain Building Materials

Building materials can contain hazardous waste (such as asbestos) that can’t be disposed of in regular trash bins. Other building materials, such as bricks and concrete, are normally permitted in your roll-off container, but weight limits apply.

There may be limits on how much concrete and brick you can throw away in a single pickup. Before placing your order, be sure to check with the rental business to learn about their policy and weight restrictions.

Infectious Or Medical Waste

Disposal of infectious garbage and medical waste is strictly prohibited in dumpster rentals. Needles, red bags, and sharps are examples of things that are obvious to look for, such as rags or cloths that have been contaminated with bodily secretions.

However, you may not be aware that drugs can also be classified as medical waste. Keep an eye out for anything that might be related with medical procedures. For environmental reasons, you don’t want them to end up in the trash.

Regular Household Garbage

There are rules and regulations at some roll-off trash companies regarding typical domestic waste, which includes food waste. You could face a fine if you dispose of food and domestic waste in roll-off dumpster. It is perfectly acceptable to use the usual municipal garbage collection containers if you need to discard moderate amounts of household waste and foods throughout the course of your project. If you expect to generate a significant food wastes, such as during a restaurant renovation, consult with your rental business about disposal options before proceeding.

Herbicides And Pesticides

Garden herbicides and home pesticides that have been applied should also be kept out of the trash can. While that may be tempting to toss away multiple cans and bottles that have accumulated over the years, this is not a good idea. These kinds of chemicals must never be thrown away in dumpster or domestic trash. Pesticides and herbicides contain toxic substances that, if released from landfill into surrounding environment, could harm the environment and water supplies.

Railroad Tie

Some types of wood can be disposed of in dumpsters, however railroad ties were generally not permitted. In most cases, railroad ties are treated with creosote, which serves as the wood preservative while also being a hazardous substance to handle. It is manufactured by distilling coal or wood into tar, and if it is not disposed of appropriately, it can be hazardous to human health and the environment. It has a high flammability and also classified as the probable carcinogen.

Industrial Drums

The industrial drums are frequently contaminated with dangerous chemical waste and byproducts. Some of these substances have recognised identities, but if a drum is labelled incorrectly, it is possible that they will not be identified at all. Industrial barrels are not permitted in dumpsters or landfills for the sake of public safety. It is necessary to hire a specialised garbage removal firm in order to properly dispose of these goods.

Waste Disposal Systems in Long Beach

According to data that we were able to collect on the cities in California, the average annual production of waste per inhabitant is between 180 and 240 kg. This is about 1.5-2.5 times less than Long Beach.

However, while the generation of waste is relatively similar whether we consider urban or rural areas of Californian counties, the difference is more marked in developing areas. In Los Angels county for example, the average household waste production is 213 kg per year per inhabitant, but we observe an average of around 320 kg per inhabitant per year for the city of Compton.

It should also be noted that the production of waste in the same city can undergo large seasonal variations (especially in tourist towns) or weekly (massive influx of waste from markets, for example). California observes an increase in the production of 25% domestic waste in summer for less touristy areas and up to 50% in tourist towns.

Regarding the composition of the waste, waste management research gives an idea of ​​the average weight proportions. We actually observe few differences compared to the proportions encountered in industrialized areas if this is the presence of a significant fraction of inert. This fraction includes fine particles of sand, gravel, etc., which come from cleaning vegetables and house sweeping (particles that separate from the ground not always covered with tiling or brought back from unpaved roads).

Few statistical studies make a distinction between kitchen scraps (fruit and vegetable waste, leftover dishes cooked, etc.) and green waste (leaves, branches collected in the concession). These two important fractions constitute organic matter, which can also contain waste from small livestock and animal remains (offal, etc.). Note that plastics represent a low weight proportion of waste when the volume they occupy is relatively large.

Residents can use dumpster near me for renting a bin so they can discard their old unused items and junk. This way they reduce pollution, assuming they send it to a local landfill for treatment. Such methods of discarding garbage are becoming more popular on Long Beach.

The weight volume of household waste is around 0.2-0.3 kg / L for areas dry and increases, logically, up to about 0.5 for southern zones (higher humidity). As with the production of household waste, there are variations important between the composition of waste in rural and urban areas, and even according to the standard of living of the populations, the cities in development.

Some recycling research present a comparison between level zones different living conditions in the agglomerations of San Francisco and Long Beach. These comparisons between districts or counties show that the composition and production of waste is associated with the standard of living of the populations who generate it.

What’s more, the lifestyles of certain large cities seem to be getting closer and closer to current Northern cities testifying of a similar level of consumption. Accordingly, for these towns closely, or more than one million inhabitants, the collection means to be implemented will be closer to those used in rich countries. There are able to evacuate, every day, in the order of 500 to 1,000 tonnes of waste from the city.

Waste Disposal Systems in Myrtle Beach

Waste management: general principles

South Carolina regulations provide for a number of precautions to be taken to ensure good waste management, while protecting the environment and human health.

The term “waste management” encompasses, in general, any activity involved in the organization of the management of waste from their production to their final treatment. It includes in particular the activities of collection, transport, trading, demolition, brokerage, and treatment – recovery or elimination – of waste. Each of these activities is governed by rules described in the Environmental Code, and each actor is subject to several obligations.

State waste management plan

The SC waste management plan aims to provide an overall vision, at the state level, of the waste management system and the state policy pursued in this area, in particular on the measures in force and planned to improve the recovery of waste. It thus includes, in a single document, the measures, objectives and legislative, regulatory and fiscal guidelines adopted under the Law on energy transition and for green growth of 2015 and proposed by the roadmap. It also makes it possible to respond to the new provisions incorporated into the waste framework directive.

Certain measures, and in particular certain quantified objectives, will be specified at federal level by the texts transposing recent directives. In addition, the anti-waste law for a circular economy, passed in 2020, proposes new measures to accelerate the transition to a circular economy.

In order to better understand the situation and the modes of local application of the orientations that it synthesizes, the plan is supplemented by regional annexes, based on data already available or the local orientations known at the time of the drafting of the national plan, projects regional waste prevention and management plans, in the process of being drawn up or already approved in the region. This national plan is not intended to replace regional plans.

The public has been involved in the development of this national waste management plan through public participation on the draft state electronic waste management plan from 2019.

Anti-waste law for a circular economy

The responsibility of the producer or holder of the waste is key. Any producer or holder of waste is responsible for this waste: that is to say, he is required to ensure it or have it managed. This is why facilities such as the Myrtle Beach Dumpster Rental Center are in place to make sure any waste producer can discard such waste materials in a safe and clean way, without risks for the environment.

This responsibility extends to the final disposal or recovery of the waste.

It means that in the event of damage to the environment or human health during one of the stages of waste management, the initial producer and the successive holders may be required to take the necessary measures to direct the waste to an adequate sector and repair the damage caused by faulty management.

This is a key principle of waste regulations: it makes it possible to identify, in the vast majority of cases, a person (or a chain of persons) responsible for handling the waste.

How to Spot an Excellent Landlord

Chicago real estateRenting out one of your properties to good tenants can definitely be a lucrative way to earn some extra money, in Chicago or elsewhere. If you are really lucky, you can even use the rent to pay for the mortgage. In a way, the property is already paying for itself. That is the beauty of real estate investment.

But being a landlord comes with a lot of demands. Sure, screening tenants, marketing rentals, and leasing agreements are just some of the major things you need to do, but when you are unlucky and somehow end up with unfavorable tenants, evicting them can be one of the toughest tasks to do.

Note that a landlord can use the services or a specialized real estate agent in Chicago or anywhere in the nation in order to manage most of the paperwork for them. If properly setup, all his rental income can be run on autopilot, letting him cash every month a nice passive income.

To become s successful landlord, here are some of the tips you can follow to avoid sour relationships with your tenants.

Treats It As A Business

No matter how you see the property and who are the people living in it, it is crucial that you treat is as a business. Which means, if they have been missing out on monthly rentals, it is time to conduct legal actions, even if you are renting the property out to family friends or relatives.

Have a system in place and make sure these are all stated in the contract. Use a quality real estate broker to make sure all such legal technical details are properly incorporated in your legal documents. Take repairs, maintenance, and upgrades seriously as well.

Thoroughly Screens Aspiring Tenants

When you have a property for rent in a good neighborhood, you can expect so many applicants. Ask about their livelihood or profession. If the household’s family income is at least 3x the cost of your rental, they could be good candidates. However, regardless of how much money they make, it is still important to run a credit and background check. Ask for referrals from previous landlords and avoid tenants with past evictions.

Seeks The Advise Of A Lawyer

Anybody can draft a contract. To be save, ask an attorney to review the lease contract. That way, any errors can be spotted and the necessary corrections can be made. Furthremore, landlord-tenant laws can be a bit tricky. So it is possible that some of the provisions you placed in the lease are in actual illegal.

Gets The Right Insurance

Finally, as the last tip, you need to make sure that you have the maximum amount of rental insurance and property liability insurance required. This will also help you in case of any unforeseen circumstances that can put your property at risk.

Being a landlord requires work, but it can be a rewarding and profitable way to use your property. If you wish to eliminate some of the stresses of becoming a landlord, you can hire a property management agency. This is also one of the suggestions Kale Realty gives to their clients who are also aspiring landlords.

Guide for Pet Lovers before Buying a Property in Chicago

pets in flatIf you are considering living in an area in Chicago and you have a pet, then there are a few things that you should consider before moving in to a new localion.

See below five things that you should consider before buying a property, as far as caring for your pets is concerned.

1. The location of local pet paws

Some home apartments and condos can actually restrict dogs and other pets from being there because they make a lot of noise, for example.

Some HOAs also put restrictions on the number of pets that you can have or the types of pets that are allowed in say, common spaces. You need to be mindful of these scenarios before making informed decisions. Sometimes, pets are allowed only on certain floors and on some end units, so you should look out for those too. Check city restrictions with your Chicago real estate broker regarding noise if your dog breed barks a lot.

2. The suitability of the locality for pets

Finding a property in a location that is suitable for pets is a difficult job. If you want to take your dog on walks, then make sure that the property is either close to a park, dog trail, dog run or some open space. Check out if there are restrictions on using the sidewalk for your pet to potty-train him.

Do not buy an apartment that is close to a busy road or a highway; if you fear that your pet can run out. For instance, energetic pups and cats that like to roam can often go out in busy traffic and that can pose a threat to their lives. So make sure that you keep an eye on the location of your property.

If you own cats, you should also look out for the local wildlife in the area. For instance if the house has a lot of green space around it which houses foxes and coyotes, then you should take extra care as these animals are known to prey on small cats.

3. The Design of the House

You should check out with your broker if the floors of the house are pet-friendly. For instance, a house that has solid hardwood flooring can easily be refinished even when it is repeatedly scratched. You should also look out for the coloring of the floor and you can use distressed wood so that the scratches on the floor add more character to it. Make sure that you do not have wall-to-wall carpets as dogs can dirty with their paws and cats can claw it. It can also catch stains from pets more easily. Thus, you should choose a throw rug or an area rug, which can be cleaned very easily and replaced anytime you want to.

4. The stairs of your house

You should consider if the stairs of your house are too steep for your pets. If your pets are too young or too old, pregnant, sick or recovering from an injury, then they might not be able to navigate these steps. So make sure you check if the stairs of your house are suitable for your furry friends.

If you follow these steps, the moving in process will be as simple and hassle-free for your pet as yourself. You do not have to unnecessarily worry about your pet not adjusting to your new house if you do your due diligence before moving in to your condo.

Demolition Contractor in Greenville

A demolition contractor is a professional who has received special training and a licence to knock down buildings that are old, longer functional, or just building where the owner would like to make a new constructin instead.

The purpose of a demolition contractor

An individual who plans to put a new business in an old structure often hires a demolition contractor to raze to the ground some old structural buildings that are no more safer and stable. The contractor often has their own tools and equipment that are necessary for the job. Some of these are demolition balls, chainsaws, hammers and bulldozers.

A contractor sometimes even has top used explosives if the building is either very large or hard to break. Most demolition contractors also have their own workforce for these specific jobs.

Why would you hire a demolition contractor? Hiring a demolition contractor is for the benefit of a person planning to remodel or build a new building on an older property. There are three specific reasons why it is advantageous to use a contractor to carry out this very difficult and dangerous task.

The first reason is because a trained contractor has enough experience in getting the job done, and most people don’t. This ensures that the destruction of the structures will be done correctly. The contractor also guatantees that other buildings near the site remain unharmed throughout the demolition process.

The second reason involves permits with the state of North Carolina. A well-trained contractor can guide the new business owner to get a hold of the right permits for this project. There are also some demolition contractors who are willing to process these necessary permits by themselves. This specific task prevents the owner from getting fines and experiencing delays in the project.

Another good reason for hiring a contractor to demolish structures on the new business site is to protect against liability issues. As this task involves too much risk especially for other buildings surrounding the site, the professional contractor ensures that unwanted hazards are avoided.

Choosing a Demolition Contractor in Greenville, NC

There are a lot of things involved in the demolition process. These elements can range from obtaining permits to cleaning the tools necessary to tear structures. These can not be performed by an individual who has not been trained or has no job knowledge about demolition and renovation.

This is where contracting a demolition contractor becomes the only option available as is often the case. There are three factors that an entrepreneur must consider before signing a contract with a specific professional.

The first factor is the timely way to finish. A person should hire someone who will be able to complete the task in a specific period of time. This is important because it decreases the probability of delaying the emergence of the new property. The business owner should get in touch with the people on the professional list of referrals and ask them how fast the tasks were completed.

The second factor that must be considered in demolition contractors is the ability to handle all the knowable aspects of the demolition process. The individual must hire someone who can do meticulous work, such as processing the permits and planning the entire process.

The third factor is the safety not only of structures, but also of the workforce. The individual must hire a contractor who takes proper care of their people.

Note that you will also need to rent a dumpster if you do demolition work as a large quantity of debris will be generated. One of the best company in town is Greenville Dumpster Rental Boss, a local business known for its reliability. In general you want both the demolition and the the waste management operation to be conducted as swiftly as possible so they you can start your construction work as earlier than later.

Getting some dumpster rental in South Carolina is nothing particularly hard to do, it is just something that needs to be done. We all want to make sure our environment remains as clean and green as possible, this is why it is the responsibility of all residents to clean their waste materials and junk once the job is complete.

The Windows 10 Operating System

microsoft windowsSome people do not like change.

But if you buy a new PC, you will most likely get Windows 10 by default. However, if your current computer is still running on Windows 7 or Windows 8, should you really upgrade?

Microsoft has gone through leaps and bounds and finally moved away from selling new Windows version every few years. With the current version, Microsoft has proven to its consumers that they are dead serious about security.

With their Defender Software and constant update, your Windows Operating System (which is free of charge) might be all you need to keep the malware, cybercriminals and identity theft away.

If you haven’t used Windows 10 before, here are some features you can expect?

The Return of the Start Menu

For the longest time, every Windows Operating System has a Start button, except for Window 8. Since people have been clamoring for it, the Start Menu is finally back on your screen for the current versions of the OS.

What’s new about this is that you now have two panels to view which are placed side by side. On the left column, you will see the most and recently used apps. On the right, this is where you can view a selection of tiles that you can reorganize, resize and customize.

In addition, a search field is placed at the bottom of the Start Menu where you can look up programs, files, and internet results.


Task View button is now replaced by Timeline. This shows the running apps on your current system. It has the same functionality with the task view button, except that it shows the different apps you have been using over the past month.

This feature is probably most beneficial to people who own multiple devices. As the timeline syncs across devices, you can start a task on one device and finish it on another.

Integration of Gaming Activities

Windows 10 is also a gamer-friendly operating system as it brings features like Beam Streaming and other hardware efficiencies, particularly when the computer is in Game Mode. The Beam is a video streaming service that allows people to broadcast their games on Mixer.

Game Mode, on the other hand, is a setup on Windows 10 where gamers can switch on and off when their laptops or computers are struggling to keep up. What it does is it dials down other PC functionalities while you play. It prevents lag and it also allows you to focus only on gaming necessities on the computer.


Having a digital assistant seems to be the hype today. In Windows 10, Microsoft brings the voice-controlled digital assistant called Cortana to their customers. This feature allows you to operate the computer and interact with your devices without lifting a single finger.

You may also use this digital Cortana to search files on your hard drive, launch presentations and even pull up a photo using specific dates. It also allows you to check and send emails while working on something else on the computer – making it easier for you to multitask.

Better Multitasking Features

Other than Cortana, Windows 10 allows you to open, run and manage certain apps as if they were on another screen. So instead of seeing multiple windows open on top of one another, you can set up your chosen apps and organize them as if you are putting them to another virtual desktop to reside in.

This means you can set up a home for your Games, online shopping websites, Netflix, and other programs. Then, you can also establish another desktop solely for work – where you can keep documents, files, powerpoint presentations and excel sheets.

If you prefer to stay to an older Windows version, there are definitely some valid reasons to do so. If you are satisfied with it and comfortable enough to use the older version, there is no one stopping you to do so.

However, there is the hearsay that in the year 2020, Windows will cease to extend security updates for the older versions of their operating systems. So once it stops, Microsoft can no longer guarantee that your computer will be secured from potential threats.

How To Rank A Video In Youtube

youtube rankingYoutube is an influential platform for bloggers (or vloggers), freelancers and businesses to gain more fans and business.

Creating videos is very similar to posting a blog on your website for SEO. Since Google owns Youtube, videos on this authority site rank well. There is also a higher chance that a single content in your Youtube account will rank higher than your website, especially when it has not been optimized yet.

What makes Youtube a great platform to bring in an additional stream of traffic is its number of users. It is the second largest search engine used today. Moreover, optimization guidelines for Google and Youtube are very similar and optimizing your videos for Google will automatically rank on Youtube as well.

To shed some light on the necessary steps to take, follow these tips below:

Step 1: Create Relevant and Informative Content

Youtube did not become the second largest search engine today for nothing. Users in this site seek content that will help them learn new skills, solve problems and entertain themselves. Focusing on these three factors accordingly will help you receive more stream of views and followers.

Aside from the three factors mentioned above, some metrics play a substantial role as well. These are the following:

  • Number of likes
  • Number of comments
  • Total time of engagement (total time users spend watching your video)
  • Number of shares on social media
  • Number of times a video is embedded on other sites

There is no official guidance released by Youtube as to how long your videos should be to rank well. However, the added (5) metrics mentioned above should guide you in creating better and more engaging videos to satisfy Youtube’s algorithm.

Step 2: Do Keyword Research

Before uploading your video content, you must prepare for the title and description by researching for keywords. You can do this by finding a keyword to target based on the content of your video. Looking for multiple long-tail keywords is also a good practice as it will draw more traffic as you rank for more than one term for a single content.

Once a primary keyword phrase is decided, you need to create a list of secondary keywords and construct a title and description for your content. This list will serve a purpose later on.

Step 3: Utilize Keywords Properly

Based on the primary keyword and the list of secondary keywords you came up with, you need to construct a video title and weave as many keywords as possible. But you have to make sure that the title will make sense. If you build a spammy title, your video is less likely going to rank.

After working on the title, it is now time to work on your video description box. This space should include all your secondary keywords, strategically woven into one or two well-written paragraphs. Again, avoid constructing a description that looks spammy.

Do not forget about your video tags. You can copy and paste your primary and secondary list of keywords directly.

Step 4: Customize Your Thumbnails

Customizing your thumbnails do not directly help you rank better. But it does affect user engagement. Adding a thumbnail to your video that resonates with the viewers can impact your click-through rate drastically. In return, it will drive up your rankings.

Try to create a customized thumbnail that will stand out against the white and blue background of Google. Use bold colors such as orange, red and green to stand out and contrast the thumbnail from the page background.

Step 5: Boost Your Relevance

Just like Google, Youtube also wants to deliver the best possible results for every user query. For your channel or videos to fit the criteria, you must first be relevant. Remember the five metrics mentioned earlier – you have to work around these to become relevant.

Aside from keyword research and great content, you can use many social media platforms. That will not just drive up your visibility on Google; it can also help you target the five metrics stated above in step 1.

Here are three social media tips for your upper hand.

  • Synchronize your Youtube account with your social media accounts. That way, your recently posted video can automatically appear on other platforms without the need to upload the content one by one.
  • If you are actively engaging in forums, Facebook groups or other social media signals relevant to your niche, these are excellent networks to share your crafts with.
  • You can also connect with social media marketers to find social signals. Fiverr is a safe place to begin searching for one.

As you continue to engage on forums and social media groups, always remember to link back to your videos whenever you can. The more relevant links you can get, the better your videos will rank over time. You may also plug your Youtube videos into your blogs and transcribe its content. That is an off-page optimization technique you can apply to help boost your ranking.